The club has received a set of Drakes Pride Bowls (see below) from the Pembrokeshire Cancer Support charity shop in Pembroke Dock. The Bowls are in excellent condition, black, size 2 (heavy), 2013 stamp and come complete with a carrier and Emsmorn bag.
If you wish to make an offer, please contact Hugh Colley (hughcolley144@btinternet.com).
N.B. The proceeds of the sale will be donated to Pembrokeshire Cancer Support.
SOLD - Full amount of £60:00 donated to Pembrokeshire Cancer Support.
You can now advertise on the Pembroke Dock BC website just as you would use a traditional classified advertisement in a local newspaper.
The following are just an example of the categories in which you can create an advert:
Bowls for sale / wanted
Miscellaneous items for sale / wanted e.g. clothing, shoes, bags.
Please remember that there's no bidding with a Classified Advert, so where appropriate you should include the price you would like to receive for your item and not the starting price as you would in an auction-style listing.
Things to know about using the Classified Advert service
There is NO charge for placing an advertisement on the website.
Pembroke Dock BC reserves the right to reject an advertisement should it be considered inappropriate / offensive etc.
Pembroke Dock BC reserves the right to moderate entries and refuse or request re-submission with changes
Pembroke Dock BC will NOT accept responsibility for the accuracy of any advertisement placed on the website.
Pembroke Dock BC will NOT under any circumstances arbitrate in a dispute between the vendor and prospective purchaser.
To advertise on the website, email your advert with photo if applicable to
Hugh Colley: hughcolley144@btinternet.com

For more information:
Phone: (01646) 622715
Email: Mr Hugh Colley (Secretary)
The Memorial Park, Bush Street
Pembroke Dock SA72 6HQ
Founded 1925